Conduct and Misconduct at QE Park - A Consensus


Over the years, there's been several threads on what is and what isn't acceptable roller hockey conduct at QE Park. These threads have reached a fever pitch and conduct issues are clearly interfering with what's really important - having fun playing hockey.

-- Comments from the most recent conduct discussion (May 24) have been moved here for permanent reference/discussion



verified user


Tuesday, May 24 at 10:53 PM

i think the guys were suggesting you take a break michael

Mikey Wednesday, May 25 at 1:09 AM

oh... Sorry you guys feel that way. I wanted to play tonight but I guess I'll just show myself out...


verified user


Wednesday, May 25 at 8:35 AM

the other one.


registered user


Wednesday, May 25 at 11:59 AM

lPuttin on the foil

James Wednesday, May 25 at 12:00 PM


I love our friendly hockey at the park. It seems as of late, that some are forgetting the friendly part. I think we need to set up a system that helps remind everyone what is fair play at the park and what is not. I've seen far too many dangerous plays be executed with no punishments, further more, allowing the guilty party to remain on the rink in play. In the NHL or any hockey league, if one commits a penalty, they serve time for it. Currently at qe, if one commits a penalty, they aren't penalized. Does this make them think that their style of play is acceptable? Is it smart for us to leave heated players on the rink without a chance to calm down?

I propose a penalty by committee type system, which I think will help regulate the style of hockey and safety at the park... The committee being the players on the rink playing at that time 

What if we did something like a 2 min penalty is worth sitting off for the next 2 goals. A 4 min penalty is worth sitting off for the next 4 goals. 5 min = 5 goals kind of thing  

If someone commits a penalty, and the remaining 9 skaters and 2 goalies agree it's a penalty, said player should have to sit for the penalty (number of goals relating to number of mins the penalty is worth)

Just because someone made an unwise decision, I don't think the team should suffer, so at this point a sub can replace the penalized player to continue our 5on5 Magic and the penalized player will wait their 2,4 or 5 goal suspension to return to their team  

example: I'm checking Joel in the corner and I make a careless swing and totally take his legs out from under him. Clearly a tripping penalty. At this time the remaining players on the ice can vote. I believe that if the majority of the players in play think it's a penalty, it's a penalty.  If they agree it's a 2 min penalty, I go sit for the next 2 goals while a sub replaces me to continue 5on5. After the next 2 goals have been scored, I'm now allowed to join the game again  

This was just an idea, and I'd love to hear any input on the matter. It's only a matter of time before someone gets really fucked up because of careless play. I think something along these lines will help promote the proper kind of SAFE QE hockey  




registered user


Wednesday, May 25 at 12:02 PM

Interesting idea James. I was going in totally different direction with this one.wink


registered user


Wednesday, May 25 at 12:03 PM

Just foil up boys!


verified user


Wednesday, May 25 at 12:06 PM

i like it, what to do if the player refuses to leave and repeatedly takes dangerous penalties?

(i think we are at that stage)


verified user


Wednesday, May 25 at 12:11 PM

If a couple more people will support the idea, I can post a news article of James' comment so you can have a more permanent place to discuss and reference it.

Phil Wednesday, May 25 at 12:33 PM

I've always been in favor of a penalty system. All players should be accountable for their dangerous actions. We just have to make it clear what a hockey play is and isn't by commitee as well. Bodychecking is definately an infraction, Extending your arm to push someone... also a penalty. The majority of people would agree, in my opinion.

By the way, I'll be out for a few weeks due to my eye injury.  I should make a full recovery, but it's going to take time for my vision to clear up.Hope you guys have a good game tonight and sort out some things.



verified user


Wednesday, May 25 at 12:38 PM

support it. 


though im sadly skeptical that more words will change those already unapologetic / unacknowledging of rules or motions already brought forward...


verified user


Wednesday, May 25 at 12:55 PM

Somebody has signed in on my behalf. I won't be there as I'm still nursing loose chicklettes. Enjoy your game guys. In future if there isn't a figure next to my name it's not me...

Digs Wednesday, May 25 at 12:59 PM

Brazil.  I wasnt there so i cant comment on the incident.  You need to listen to what the qe community is telling you.  Considering how much hockey gets played conflict at qe is exremely rare.  When it does the community acts as the jury to let the offending parties know how to change their behavior.  Whats special about qe hockey its that almost everyone respects that and falls in line.  These are not people you want to make enemies of, they should be more like brothers.  Think of qe as more of an earned privilege than a self-serving right. Find it within yourself to play in a way that's safe for everyone, including yourself.  If you simply cannot do that then you truly do not deserve to play.

E Wednesday, May 25 at 1:16 PM

i do not support the penalty system. I believe it will bring more arguments, drama and politics which results in game stalling. I understand if you guys wanna call someone out and take actions to make the point get across, but changing the environment completely and turning it into some police state mindset is unnecessary in my opinion. I go to QE to play the freestyle game of roller hockey the way I grew up on it. Next thing you know helmets will be mandatory and you'll have to wear your seatbelt. Jesus fuck Brazil just acknowledge and adjust your game for fuck sakes so everyone can go back to the good old QE and stop these sharades (spell check). 

Dan S. Wednesday, May 25 at 1:21 PM

Well and respectfully said Digs, I agree with you and would say that this can and should stand as a code of conduct at QE. Phil and James, though I wasn't there on the weekend and I do respect the effort and thought of a penalty system, my sense from playing for many years and what has been said here is that the community does a pretty good job of self-regulating through conversations and admissions of wrong-doing/forgiveness. This Brazil situation is a really new precedent with a pretty long history, and lack of admission/change of behaviour and requires a very specific solution - to which I'd assume a prolonged time off and if he chooses a probationary period showing that he can play with respect to everyone's safety.

Reiterating your thoughts on what is safe and ethical play is also helpful , and it seems like most if not all are in agreement. I fear a jury based penalty system could lead to some very awkward moments of 'yes that is' and 'no it isn't' and possibly creating bad guys, leading to humiliation/anger/frustration instead of just acknowledging the mistake or accident, keeping in good fun and faith, and getting on with the game.

However, if there is a feeling that there is other unsafe play happening that is not being talked about then it is worth talking about.

Nick Wednesday, May 25 at 1:57 PM

I agree with the sentiment behind james idea, but i think e brought us some valid problems with it. If were being honest about it, this would be to deal with repeat offenders who dont show remorse who name themselves after their country for some reason. With a belligerent person like that, enforcement would be impossible. On sunday we had something like a 20 man consensus that he should be ejected and he refused. If we can deal with the brazil problem i think we'll find ourselves in a situation where we dont need intrusive rules and people respect the safety of others

Nick Wednesday, May 25 at 2:00 PM

But i support the idea of us forming a consensus of whats acceptable and not playing with people who dont abide by it

chandler Wednesday, May 25 at 4:12 PM

oh, and I like the penalty idea in spirit however I see it leading to prolonged stoppages while said penalties are voted on and enforced which would be detrimental to the flow of the games.

maybe we should employ Jerry to stand on the sideline with a bullhorn and remind us to 'smarten up' every few minutes??  Sean, have you heard from the big lug? How's he doin?

Phil: Glad your eye is going to be ok man, that could have been so much worse.  take it easy, heal up and we will see you back soon. 

BD Wednesday, May 25 at 5:26 PM

 Maybe we need to discuss before or after what should be done about the current situation ,not that anyone cares but I have played alot of Hockey and Rollerblade hockey and since I arrived on the scene in Vancouver in 96  I have seen the game at QE evolve over the years into something well organized and the level has definitely improved significantly since the late 90s;  sure there have been unsafe plays and penalties taken over the years and personality clashes and various opinions regarding how hard/serious  everyone/anyone should take the game.Well here's my take on it; Everyone/anyone should be play within their limits to control themselves and their sticks. When things get competitive there is the temptation to play beyond ones means. Accidents and penalties happen and usually when someone is playing beyond their means, this isn't a league and none of the games are for a championship; it's essentially a drop in hockey game and that doesn't mean it can't be a competitive game just the same. It does mean that anyone can play at QE the city supplies the rinks and it's awesome to have them there. Absolutely everyone should be understanding and respectful of that. The Noobie that shows up today or tomorrow has just as much right as anyone else that ever played there;that being said No one person can force a majority against their will to play  with them either, Which seems to me to be all the more reason to listen and respect the majority when they advise and warn because everyone has the right to be safe this is the exact reason I never feel sorry for repeat offenders in the NHL that are suspended for extensive amounts of games   sometimes career ending amounts if you warn and warn with no consequence nothing changes.... There have to be consequences but I also believe there can be change too! everyone has the ability to "decide" to change.If you decide not to change you have still made a choice.Anyway sorry about the novel; that's what you get for giving everyone a forum too ! anyway enough talk let's get back to playing Hockey!